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  • Rocket Bobs

Miss Marple Destroys the Vicarage -

Triumph Rocket 3 Rocket 3-1

So a new Rocket 3 came into the shop. Despite an earth-shattering amount of torque and a

nimble ride that belies its actual size the colossal 2.5-litre engine produced a sound akin to a Honda Jazz pulling steadily out of Waitrose car park. Something had to be done, and it wasn't going to be easy...

Well, I started the same way I do with any project, and that's to remove the part you are redesigning. The same way with a seat or tank, etc., you need to strip away as much of the stock bike as possible so you can see the core shape and bare bones of the bike. From there, you are unencumbered, and free thoughts are easier. The original plan was a 3-3 system, but immediately the entire OEM system was off the bike, it was clear that a tight and partially hidden 3-1 would give the bike a whole new look and a much more athletic one at that! But i wanted to make the whole system 'float' and just use one mount, high up & hidden. Then make a stubby, brutal end can that was tuned to the bike and also had a design of baffle that allowed for multiple sound settings. This all adds weight and added stress to the one mount, so the entire system had to be internally braced and externally webbed. I also re-made the one hangar point to make it stronger and still isolate the system from any vibration. As usual these ideas and plans developed over time so what was a deadline for the end of July ran on for another three weeks, but happily the customer understood that we always want to make the thing right and do the best we can, sometimes that means extra time as ideas that develop can lead to a more complex fabrication, but on the flip side, we wont repeat ourselves and the end product is truly bespoke and fit for purpose.


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